Spanish Speech Therapy Articulation M Smash Mats
Price: $3.00
SKU: MA-spanish-stamsm
Bring some versatile fun into your speech room this year! Spanish Articulation /m/ words are featured in color and black and white in a "print and laminate" and "print and go/no prep" format. Use these smash mats as an interactive way to work on the Spanish /m/ phoneme. Identify the pictures, say the word or use it in a sentence, and smash it with play dough! If you have no play dough on hand, use tokens to cover the words, color the pictures, circle the pictures, write the target sound over the picture…there are so many ways to modify smash mats! If color is an issue, print the black and white version instead and color it yourself to use…or have students color the pictures instead of smashing play dough. Or send home as homework…so many possibilities! What's included: 2 initial /m/ smash mats in color 2 initial /m/ smash mats in black and white 2 medial /m/ smash mats in color 2 medial /m/ smash mats in black and white 2 mixed /m/ smash mats in color 2 mixed /m/ smash mats in black and white
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